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// Box of binge food
| 09/09/2002 - 5:19 p.m. |

My mother sent me a box of binge food!! Ok, seriously, she sent me a box of little stuff for my bday: a tweety watch and tweety pillowcases (both of which are adorable of course!), COOKIES, BROWNIES, and miniature SNICKERS. Grrrr. Ok, I am trying to eat "normally" again, which for me certainly includes chocolate, but I have also been prone to bingeing lately, and so am trying to keep the amt. of binge/junk food here in the house to a reasonable minimum. *Sigh* Yes, I could throw it out or not eat ANY of it and/or slip back into restriction mode, but fuck, I am sick of starving and I WANNA EAT fat and sugar, dammit. Eat it in moderation, you say?? Not in a place where that is an easy task, and I *hate* having to *think* about food, about what and how much I can eat--BORING. Soooo, considering my mood (more down that I've been in a while) and my feelings about my bday, I dunno if that box is even going to *last* until Wed...

I miss c.:-(...nuff said

| <--sometime | whenever--> |