

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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// (astrological) complications.
| 01/19/2004 - 3:59 p.m. |

email to C.
ok, I *finally* got all my tests done.
i'll spare you the details but SO typically the task was 10x more difficult than it should have been.
my stars are permanently misaligned or something, i swear.

now *hopefully* L. will have all the results tomorrow (i know she's not in today)...
and a start date will be set for asap--wed or thurs?...assuming no more chaotic occurrences that is, so who knows *roll*

i would really really (really, heh) like to talk to you before then, if at all possible for you to spare a few minutes...???
i'm reeeaaalll scared about doing this c., among other things--
and i *know* it adds up to a less-than-ideal "attitude";
and it would just be really good to hear you voice--
calming, maybe give me a little 'boost' of some sort, ya know?

and, regardless, i still wanna know about your conversation with l. ;-P

so yeah. lemme know.

| <--sometime | whenever--> |