

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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// did it. or started. 'something'. me DrainED.
| 01/06/2004 - 5:13 p.m. |

email to C.

i survived.
i'm home.
to my recollection--
impaired immediately on 'impact' as it was by the anxiety experienced as 1hr+ of some sort of POUNDING about through the mush in my head--
it was unspectacular.
standard question --> halting, un-form-friendly answer --> confuzzled expression on all-fitted-black-'sorority-girl'-pants-wearing-L*****'s face --> repeat steps 1-3.

i dunno c.
i was honest. <--duh.
i tried my best to 'focus', if that makes any sense.
i signed a release for her to contact YOU.
(i, errr, assume that was ok?)
she didn't ask about speaking to anyone else, which is a little weird i think??
anyways, the 'team'-which-yes-does-include-the-I**-Dr will meet first to decide what to 'recommend' *before* she would possibly (determined by said meeting?) call you?? i think that's what she said.
don't know what that exact timeline would be, but *i* am supposed to hear something by Thurs.

and then...i honestly have not-a-damn-clue.
the ability to *think* about the future in any real way is among those simply-not-functioning in my brain.
i mean ^^that^^ for real btw, no attempts at being "clever and facile with words" here...

anyways, i am seriously just SPENT right now.

hear from you soon i hope??--

| <--sometime | whenever--> |