

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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32 flavors and then some...

// group was weird.
| 8/19/2004 - 11:35 a.m. |

(pre-pat notes)

i did of course drag myself to group tuesday.

traffic was outrageous.
i left my house about 5:50 b/c i had to drop sean off at work on the way.
i got to frew 5 mins late--7:35.
i was on city line for like a fucking year.
i only take it for a mile now mind you, since i've going the mont. ave. route

group was weird.

as usual it was just me and jen.
she's decided to make next week, i.e. cindy's last one, her final as well--
not surprised.

i might do the same.
as i noted before, i was considering this an opportune time to leave as well.
its quite possible tho i won't make a definite decision until i get there next week.
i'm not really sure why it would matter to me--
julie's status nor who cindy's replacement might be.
i mean there's like *maybe* a 1% chance i would know the person.
but i dunno, i don't like making a decision w/o all the info,
whether relevant or not.

anyway group was also "weird" b/c--
altho its not unusual for this to occur,
where i make some offhand comment,
and they wanna delve all deep into it.
which of course i hate.

it was cindy who started it really--
within something else she was saying,
she made some remark about people being:
"in therapy for the rest of their lives"
and the implication was that this was a bad thing.
which, granted, for most people, it would be concerning if they were.

but for me,
i've come to the conclusion,
that's its probably necessary.
if not 'forever,' at least for a long damn time...

i don't want to be,
no more than i want...

*unfinished...was heading in a direction similar to this...*

| <--sometime | whenever--> |