

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

Tweety's No 1 Fan!

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32 flavors and then some...

// oh l.o.v.e.l.y.
| 04/18/2004 - 4:20 p.m. |

@ frew to see Rosenberg.

had an f.u.n. little lunch w/ mom + sisterz, patty + aunt ruth.

they finally decided on sang kee (no waayyy) + i met them there.
hadn't ordered yet when the table next to us got their food + there was a BIG ass ROACH in something!

yeah, so we booked it out of there.

carol didn't want to go to the veggie place
(so of course we didn't )

ended up @ some other chinese place.
yaddah yaddah.

seems uncle j. had a "cancerous" polyp removed from his colon last week.

yeah, that bitch is still not talking to me apparently.

gave pat the edr url last week!
she had asked if she could look @ it.
ummmm, sure.
was actually gonna do it during the session, errm, but we got distracted or whatever.

somehow not much else stands out from the session.

oh, except she's turning up the heat on the doc issue--

| <--sometime | whenever--> |