

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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// on the other hand...
| 10/04/2004 - 2:45 p.m. |

(pre-pat notes)

despite my best efforts to get out of ro's office on time,
i again missed tacie on friday.
so, the last time i saw her was, what, the reunion in june?
its not that its that big a deal to me.
i only think about it when i go there,
which is like every 5 weeks now on avg.
then, its just some obsessive little game i play or something--
and consistently lose clearly.

i did get to spend more time w/ M. tho, 45 minutes maybe.
so that was cool.
and she's definitely as sweet + funny + brilliant in person as online
i on the other hand...
i dunno,
not the circumstances/context that bring out the best in me *BLAH*

rosenberg naturally found the whole tortured story,
surrounding my 1st writing assignment,
interesting, amusing, intriguing, et al.
yeah, yeah, yeah i know.

in other news...
my latest 'dilemma'/conflict is:
in regards to a possible meetup w/ members of 'my' other forums.
a part of me SO wants to go,
feels like it would just be, i dunno, dumb?
not to take advantage of the opportunity.
on the other hand...
1--general social phobia, etc.
2--hello, body issues.
3--um, O.M.G. x infinity.

| <--sometime | whenever--> |