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// running on fumes
| 06/19/2004 - 7:19 p.m. |

thu, 6-17-04, 11:45am

umm, i dunno.
in one of those states of 'i-don't-even-know-where-to-start to the extent that i feel blank,
like there's nothing to say.

guess i'll just document the latest 'events.'

1) mom had a job interview tues:
like for a "real" job--
basically being the be-all accounting person for a small company.
sounds promising.
she's supposed to hear this week.

2) mommom "gale," as sean used to call her when he was little,
is in the hospital for a few days for tests.
her heart rate is really high + she has bad edema.
no word yet on a dx, but *hopefully* nothing too serious.

3) my car wouldn't start yesterday.
+ guess who's fault that was?
my suddenly-very-irksome bro.

the low gas light had come on when i was driving home tues night.
i was real tired.
knew i still had plenty to get home + stop for gas the next time i went out.
so just went right home.

what i didn't know was sean...

...went out later on and took my car.
and didn't get gas.
"i didn't know."
WTF do you think that bright orange light that looks like a fill station is FOR?!?!
i know the boy isn't that dumb for fuck's sake!!!

he must have gotten home on mere fumes.
mom went and got some gas-in-a-can for me this morning.

but had to take her car to class last night.
which is obviously not any deal at all.
but i have to whine about it anyway.
sorry, just a little attached to my car, can't help it.

| <--sometime | whenever--> |