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// war and apathy
| 03/20/2003 - 3:14 p.m. |

3-19-03, 9:09pm
...Anyways, sitting here watching the beginning-of-the-end-of-the-world on cnn. Not sure how much of my fatalist attitude about this war is depression-influenced?? Of course I am categorically against war, and especially in this case, but I've been resigned to it for some time now. I likewise have this feeling that eventual destruction of the world has been triggered, and I will surreally, apathetically watch it happen. Not just me obviously, but my sense of numb separateness from the world is exacerbated tonight....


War Without End?: Not In Our Name: Pledge of Resistance

We believe that as people living
in the United States it is our
responsiblity to resist the injustices
done by our government, in our names

Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions of blood for oil

Not in our name
will you invade countries
bomb civilians, kill more children
letting history take its course
over the graves of the nameless

Not in our name
will you erode the very freedoms
you have claimed to fight for

Not by our hands
will we supply weapons and funding
for the annihilation of families
on foreign soil

Not by our mouths
will we let fear silence us

Not by our hearts
will we allow whole peoples
or countries to be deemed evil

Not by our will
and Not in our name

We pledge resistance
We pledge alliance with those
who have come under attack
for voicing oppostion to the war
or for their religion or ethnicity

We pledge to make common cause
with the people of the world
to bring about justice freedom & peace
Another world is possible
and we pledge to make it real

Beautiful sentiments. I want to feel passionate about this, have wanted to all along, have wanted to do so much more than I have to protest. And yet, here it is, in my name or not, what does it even matter? No one with a conscience seems to have an ounce of power in this world. And frankly, its hard to feel it is even a world worth saving. Bomb it all to hell, me first.

| <--sometime | whenever--> |