

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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// angsty-ness
| 04/29/2004 - 11:50 a.m. |

(pre-Pat notes)

feeling sorta 'angsty'.
like emotions could be reeeaaalll easily triggered--
scary for me going into a session like that/this.
to say the least.

tuesdays group--
yeah, so i kinda sorta did get 'challenged'

(...insert details later...)

it was at the end gratefully.
clearly brought it on myself, so...
felt even more conspicuous than usual darting out the door.
esp. w/ cindy making a point of saying "good night, m******"
if looks could kill + my eyes were in the back of my head...

ok, the angstiness is from last night.
had a 'c. thought'.
which, duh, i have constantly.
simply jerk my attention elsewhere.
but it was a 'scary' one.
and it was late, i was tired, playing my before-bed solitaire.
and so it just put me on the edge.
don't know how i managed to escape sobbing myself to sleep.

| <--sometime | whenever--> |