

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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// day by day...
| 08/27/2003 - 1:29 p.m. |

email from C., 11:09am, Subject: re: Trying to get it a little bit more
Dear M.,

I am thinking about you here and hoping that Renfrew can be helpful. Please keep me posted.


P.S. If I did not have faith in your capacity to do the right thing by yourself, I would not have been so disappointed and angry with you. I know what you are capable of-I've been there at your worst and I've seen you at your best.

much better...


my reply, 11:56am, Subject: day by day...
Dearest C. ;),
Thanks. I realize I needed to hear that other stuff too...but right now I really needed to hear something a little more, eh, comforting as well...

I called Renfrew yesterday afternoon to see if there was any update but Jen was out for the day. She returned my call this morning (woke me up, heheh) and said insurance stuff was still in process, but thought there would be something to report tomorrow, and I should then be able to set up the assessment appt.

My "great-aunt Mary," my mommom's last sister, passed on Monday, funeral and stuff is in South Ph. tomorrow morning. I mean I probably haven't seen her since I was a little kid, couldn't pick her out in a picture, but obviously will go to support my grandmother.

Going to visit S. for a bit this afternoon. Guess it'll be a little less overwhelming to already know my way around some before going in...

Love and hugs dammit (Come onnnnnn, you can dooooo it :-PPPP, lol)--

| <--sometime | whenever--> |