

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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// eek!
| 08/14/2003 - 10:44 p.m. |

email from C., Wed, 08-13-2003, 12:07pm, Subject: re: how about...now what?
Alright, so here is what I propose in response to your proposal:

Tell me, please, what your medical coverage is and what financial resources you have for treatment. Let us meet in person, but first, please set up an eval at Renfrew to see what recommendations and treatment options that they have to offer. That will give us an "objective" third opinion and can help us to shape a reasonable plan.

What say you?


email to C., Wed, 08-13-2003, 2:53pm, Subject: I say...ok.
I say...EEK! EEK! EEEEEEKKKKK! *deep breath* ok...

Ok...I just talked to my mom. My current insurance is with BC/S, still under her, a cobra plan. She is still without permanent employment, and with the shitty economy among other things, no prospects at the moment. She's currently working in a temp position at Mln (they actually wanted to hire her, but weren't offering enough $ I guess), for how much longer is unknown though.

So, Renfrew...Ack, this shit makes me anxious. I have to call myself?? What do I say? Sorry, I'm dumb, slow, etc. about these things.

Random info--have a phone appt with McR. tomorrow, the last one most likely. I guess I need to find a decent shrink out here, eh? Ugh...

S. and I have just in the past hr or so spontaneously decided to take a road trip this weekend. Her very favorite performer, Kristin Hersch, who I'm starting to dig as well, is doing this multiple-concert event in Vermont, so we're trying to figure out the details right now. One plus is that it gives me an excuse to flake on a family shindig Saturday--my grandmother's brother, "Uncle Petey," is in town, an event that only happens every few years, and he's cool and all, but "mommom" is going crazy with the food and stuff, and several other members of the clan are out of town as well, so I wasn't feeling so excited about it, ya know...

So, what say YOU?;)


reply from C., 08-13-2003, 3:52pm
Dear M.,

You could approach Renfrew one of several ways. You need a new Doc and so you could request an appt and assume that with the psych eval will be treatment recommendations (especially if your weight and intake are of significant concern--it is a point of interest to me that you neglect to say much these days about either). If there is a wait for a psychiatry appointment, or if you want to truly bite the bullet, you could call and say that you are a former pt of Dr. I. and that your former therapist would like you to be seen for a level of care assessment (IOP, day hospital, inpt). And yes, I do expect that you would make this call.

Eek? Eek? Other choice noises?


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