

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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// wednesday whining frustration :D
| 07/28/2004 - 1:09 p.m. |

current mood: frustrated.

an hr or so ago all our electricity went out.
this was accompanied by a loud bangy or snapping sort of sound.
anyway, its still out.
i have no idea what happened,
or what the deal is currently.
(nothing unusual there.)

a--no computer!!
now that is something serious!!
what am i supposed to DO?!
it is my main connection to any thing resembling sanity, you must understand.

the battery for my laptop sucks
(should really look into upgrading that...)
so that didn't help for very long.

and b/c we have dsl (+ a home network),
i.e., not a direct phone line connection,
lost the internet right away.

so, ok, in the brief time before i have to shut down,
i'll work on my homework a little bit.
[the class i'm taking is java programming,
so i need the puter/software to do anything pretty much]

and my frustration spikes.

i'm suddenly feeling lost in this class,
until now, i was totally "getting" everything--
it was all making perfect sense to my math-y/logical brain.
suffice to say it isn't currently.
and its annoying the fuck out of me.

so no computer, tv (my soaps!), etc.
and i'm in that antsy, unfocused, 'bored,' + irked state that is frustration.
therefore, just writing and whining to my melodramatic heart's content.


gonna take a stab @ starting a story thats been rolling around in my head.
yeah, lets see how long that lasts...

| <--sometime | whenever--> |