

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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32 flavors and then some...

// my fucking fabulous day
| 04/13/2003 - 7:10 p.m. |

email to d., 4-12-03, 8:50pm
dragged my ass out of bed around 10:40 for 11:00 phone appt w/ Dr. McR. he put me on serzone. thats about all the specifics i remember at the moment, but overall it was fine.

beginning a few hours later:
ate a box of cereal (and milk).
threw up.
ate 2 packages of ramen.
ate about 20 cookies drowned in milk.

its not even 9pm, but i can't wait to crawl into bed and just sleep for a really really long time.

way to go me.

d. replied today, 5:22pm
I just got your email. Sounds like a pretty lousy day. Can you get out of the house, if you haven't already? Do you know what was going on yesterday that you got so caught up in binging and purging? I hope today is going a little better. See you tomorrow-

my response just now:
Hi D.,
Yeah, it was pretty miserable, even if I didn't quite realize till liquid cookies and milk were coming up through my nose. *roll*
Today is a little better. I haven't left the house but I did spend a few hours away from the puter, cleaning and stuff. I don't think anything particular was going on yesterday other than once I start the b/p-ing its hard *not* to get caught up in the cycle. Haven't eaten much today, just enough to hopefully keep from setting myself up to b/p later tonight...Anyways...

| <--sometime | whenever--> |