

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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// a girlie mood. very odd.
| 03/08/2003 - 3:20 p.m. |

yeah, um, so i got in this really really strange mood yesterday, suddenly got all these urges to be like "feminine" and shit. WOAH!!

now i didn't do anything TOO crazy, like shave or something *LOL*

but, not only did i get showered and dressed and unnecessarily leave the house (forget feminine, basic human stuff is quite an accomplishment these days!)...

I put on a *gasp* skirt!! (ok, it was long and black and i still wore socks and birks, but still, a skirt!).

and i attempted to like, do something with my hair. granted, this entailed all of putting some gel in it, but no hat or scarf-thingy!!

and then, i went to walgreens and bought MAKEUP! i know, i know, totally insane. *jaw-dropping*

oh, and i got nail stuff too!!

*thud* now i just have to remember what one actually DOES w/all this crap.

the apocolypse MUST be coming.

| <--sometime | whenever--> |