

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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| 06/06/2002 - 2:16 p.m. |

Yes, she did finally call me back!!:) And I am going to see her tomorrow!!!!! Its not going to be for very long (1 hr or so) and its going to be wierd because we're just going to hang out in her office cuz she can't get away from work to actually go anywhere [[fyi-she is not doing clinical work at the moment, but is working for the DEVIL (aka a managed care company), although hopefully not for much longer]], and goddamn I know it is going to HURT LIKE HELL to leave, but OMG I am actually going to get to HUG her again *weepy*. I can't actually believe its going to happen, and I'm so scared she's going to call me tomorrow and cancel. I have not actually SEEN her in 1 1/2 yrs, and there have been a bunch of broken promises, plans falling through, and who knows when I will get to see her again (very, very sad thought). I know its going to be really really hard and sad, and I know w/o a doubt I will be bawling my eyes out the entire time, and probably the whole drive down the shore afterwards, and goddamn I *hate* that the first time I'm seeing her in all this time, I am in such a fucking shithole...but I am going to get to hug my c. tomorrow and I know that no one can really understand what that means to me and what SHE means to me, but I can't wait to see my fave lady:)

| <--sometime | whenever--> |