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// the insurance crap
| 08/28/2003 - 3:08 p.m. |

email to C.
Hey there,

So this possible "problem" with the insurance my mom was "concerned" about??
Well its definitely a problem.
I'm a little more clear on what the deal is (ya know, after the 10th or so explanation, my brain does start to minutely comprehend stuff) so I'll at least attempt to explain.

Obviously the norm is that you can't be covered under your parent's anymore once you turn 25.
But my mom was given the impression, that for some reason, some exception that I fell under, she was still able to cover me.
Regardless, she has continued to pay the 600+ per month for me in addition to the same for herself.
Now *she* says she was not aware that there was any issue until very recently--I'm not so sure about that, I sense that perhaps *my* skills in thoroughly shutting out the 'real world', basically avoiding any and all responsibilities, have started to rub off on *her* a bit.

Bottom line--insurance people say my policy was terminated as of October 2002 and my only coverage under cobra is for dental.

Soooo�mom should be in touch with this Jen person from Renfrew today and I assume the insurance peeps as well, and hell if I know what's gonna happen with it.


Obviously I'll talk to/ask Jen about it, but being that you have a good deal of expertise/experience with this stuff, what do you think my chances would be in qualifying for M.A.??

The financial situation is pretty dismal right now, and yet I *know* that despite the fact that the money simply does not exist, that it is like this imaginary entity mired about 4 levels deep already in debt�I know my mom will make an attempt to be the martyr as always.
Which I DO NOT WANT, which is from my perspective non-negotiable.

So fuck.

Anyways, definitely didn't sleep so well last night. But still managed to get out of the house and all on time. Churches make me nervous and oddly, the *reality* of death continues to evoke no feeling in me whatsoever, and I don't think I've ever in my life met a single person who was there other than my mom, mommom, uncle vinny (aka "the vin"), aunt j., and aunt c.. But it was fine really. And I haven't seen, or hardly had much contact with really, my aunt c. in ages, so that was nice. The two of us, aunt j., and my mom went to lunch at San Kee, our fave place in Chinatown--MY idea, thank you very much (their noodle soup is so good, I simple pretend to be ignorant of the fact that its very likely not made with vegetable stock, heh).

Well, lady, hope YOU got more of your much needed and valued sleep than I ;)--


random note--
what my fortune cookie actually said was:
*The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.*

what i read it as in my head was:
*The great pleasure in life is NOT doing what people say you MUST do.*


| <--sometime | whenever--> |