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// labor-ious...better news?!?
| 08/29/2003 - 1:47 p.m. |

email from C., 8:40am, Subject: re: the insurance crap
Oh jeez,

Since you were not eligible for coverage, will your mother be reimbursed for the $6,000 worth of premiums paid for the past 10 months? Did your coverage pay for your treatment for Diane before they realized your age and school status? The $6,000 would go a ways to providing for some treatment.

MA has gotten more complicated and it is difficult to predict. You probably don't meet residency requirements since you just relocated and the fact that you live with family may complicate your app. On the other hand, you have no income nor assets. It would be good if you could get into a hospital with an MA app pending (Renfrew does not take MA, but I believe Bt. still does. Renfrew will allow your mother to private pay and will drop you like a hot potato if you have no funds).

reply to C., 11:42am, Subject: Labor-ious
Yeah, the insurance stuff is a big 'ole mess.
Just talked to my mom. She's freaking out about it.
And as I often react, especially with her I guess, when other people are very upset, I am just�calm. *shrug*

But apparently yesterday, she spent most of the afternoon on the phone with the insurance people, who were clearly not helpful, as well as in tears with various members of the family.

Oh, and today is most likely her last day on the temp job.
Last week was actually supposed to be it, but the guy that she's been working for really likes her and has been trying all along to keep her there as long as he can.
But unless some sudden emergency comes up in the next few hours and he can convince the powers-that-be that she is necessary to deal with it, yeah, its back to square one on the UNemployment front.

Anyways, she is apparently going to walk down to the Blue Cross/Shields office this afternoon and try to set up a *separate* policy for me?? If that is do-able, then I guess at least the $6000 she's paid should be able to be transferred? I dunno.

Hope you have something fun/relaxing/etc. planned for the holiday weekend??

My mom was like, 'I wanna drive down to AC one day.'
Um, noooooo, WAY to much stimulation, and especially on Labor Day weekend.

Then she's like, well R.'s (this restaurant/bar she makes a regular Thurs night outing to) has a big shindig on Monday every year at the race tracks.
A-ditto the over-stimulation and B-'I've got some ethical issues with horseracing'
Which of course got a knowing groan, lol.
And then I said, 'well, ya know, I do care about the horses and all, but it's actually as much the jockeys�being that the latter have a choice in the matter, its more a disturbing issue I guess than an ethical one, but the shit they go through and basically they all end up raging bulimics'
She couldn't argue with me on that one, heheh.

Thinking of ya--

email to Diane, 12:02pm, Subject: quick update on where things stand
Hi Diane,

Well the whole Renfrew process is still very much stuck on step 1, i.e. verifying insurance benefits.

Which in my case I'll just say is a big giant humongous mess and leave it at that.

Hopefully, something will get figured out in the next week or so, who knows.

Anyways, scheduling and doing the 'assessment' comes after, and I imagine that's the point at which someone from Renfrew would want to be in touch with you, so I'll let you know when that seems like it might actually ever happen. *roll*

Have a nice weekend--

another email to C., 1:43pm, Subject: Better news?!?
Wow, is there supposed to be a full moon tonight?? Lol.

Things looking a bit more hopeful than a few hours ago.

One, no sudden emergency came up, but the guy still managed to get my mom another week at work, and will keep on trying to get one more and one more, etc.

Two, the insurance thing. My mom went to the BC/BS office and the idea of getting me my own policy was a no-go, wouldn't make sense because of blahblahblah.
HOWEVER, there is indeed a clause in her policy contract which says something to the effect that any single children, regardless of age, who are not able to support themselves due to a disability or what have you, remain eligible for coverage.
And the woman she spoke to down there said that I CLEARLY met the criteria.

So, there's a form to fill out, will have to fax it to Diane or McR. or both for signature and documentation I suppose.

Obviously, it will still take a few weeks to go through the red-tape and all that.
But, for reals, the last several days and right now I am much more stable than very recently, and I promise you I will do my best to stay that way while we all wait.

Um, I know all of this hasn't exactly unfolded as we'd agreed or it was supposed to, but might we still be able to meet up face-to-face in the meantime???
You could bitch at me in-person for how I look and whatever else you wanted to your heart's content even!! :-P
Let me know�

Love ya,
M. and tweety :-D

| <--sometime | whenever--> |