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32 flavors and then some...

// mostly just t. stuff
| 05/30/2004 - 6:30 p.m. |

sun, 5-30-04, 3:55pm
in cm for the day.

have been sitting out on the porch w/ my aunt (broken-legged cripple ) for several hrs.
needed a break from the sun + such.,
so writing in the living room.

i still hadn't seen tacie yet when i went in w/ rosenberg.
after the session r. + i went outside to smoke.
of course. heh.
and tacie's suv looked to still be in the parking lot,
so i continued to 'loiter.'

r. also knew i wanted to see tacie,
as i'd whined about it.
told her to call tacie and tell her to get her butt down here.
she probably woulda if tacie didn't happen to walk out the door while we were out in the gazebo.

actually r. saw her + yelled "Tacie! Somebody want to see you!"

r. had just laughed + was like "oh my god, it's you!" when she saw my hair.
whereas tacie's like 'what kind of mood were you in when you did that?'
and then "I like it--NOT."

and you think i'm a brat?!

anyway, so we walked to our cars together, chatted.
she too of course was glad to hear about the class thing.
(which in one way or another was what r. + i spend the whole hr talking about.)

she also asked about my mom,
and i told her she'd quit the job,
and my line about being like, "HEY, NOT OK!" when she hadn't even had time to eat.
tacie says, 'yeah, especially when she's probably on your back about what you eat...
is she? or does she leave you alone?"
'nah, she doesn't really ever say anything.'
'oh, thats good.'

(thinks *a-of course there's the crap she does.
like buying a dozen krispy kremes...*

but b--*thanks for your approval t.*

she asked about pat again,
'is it a good enough match?'--

and what i'm doing w/ my days--
'wellll, uhhh...trying to do better...
but, hey, w/ the class now will have to get out at least 4 days!'

'you miss us here?'
'hell no!...
well i miss you, but thats about it.
(*did i just say that outloud?!?*)

then she's got to get going so
"well, give me a hug"--
*awww, sure thing t. *

so i'm in my car, window open, music already blaring,
and she comes walking back towards me to ask if i know about the reunion.
which i was mostly leaning towards going to anyway.

and i found out then that she was indeed going to be there--
running one of the 'community meetings' and an over-30 group--
'which doesn't include you of course but...'
i should have said, 'oh, but come on, i'm sooo mature for my age!'

so yeah, i'm definitely going now.
maybe i'll be able to torment her
(i.e., hang out a little 'extra')
during the other 'group time'??
since, so appropriately,
i don't wanna go to any that they listed in the email/on the web.

...other thing was her commenting twice (maybe 3?) times that i was shaky,
like worriedly, and asking if i was ok.
1st time i said oh yeah, i just hadn't had a cig in over an hour!!
and then a few minutes later that it was just being 'here' (i.e. frew),
made me a little nervous/jumpy/whatever.
both of which were true and really, i did feel fine.
**but the fact that i'd already taken 3 stackers that day probably made it more noticable**
i still stink...
and i'm still sorry...

i hadn't given the reunion thing a great deal of thought until that convo.--
in terms of what to wear?
and wanting to, um, take a break? in 'preparation' this week now...
and such.

talked to s. most of 55 on my way down today--
she might actually come w/ me, for some/all of it,
which could be interesting,
to "wreak some havoc."

omg, she is actually staying next door to k.!

i wonder what pat (really) thinks of k.?!
will have to ask before mentioning the 'arrangement' if s. comes up.

only seeing her thurs. this week, b/c of memorial day.

supposed to hang out w/ s. tues.--
we should do 'something'...???
~4:45, time for ravioli dinner.

| <--sometime | whenever--> |