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// the latest headlines ;P
| 05/24/2004 - 8:27 p.m. |

email to c.

hey c.! ;)

1-my hair is again ronnie red! :D :D

2-mom quit job...
too hard physically--
12 hour days,
driving/rushing all over creation,
no time to even EAT! ;-P

she looked like shit
felt like shit;

and although there were parts of the job she really liked...
others were real stressful/hated.
she just quit on saturday, so i don't really know what her plans are.

3--i've decided to take a class this summer.

rosenberg's been bugging me for a while just to take something, anything.
then, independently (or so she claims,*suspicious*), pat started 'encouraging' me to do the same.
so i'm like ok, fine, i'll try it--
but its your fault if i can't handle it, or freak out, or etc.! ;-P ;-P

umm, yeah so, assuming i can get through paperwork shit in the next week...
for a start date of june 2 at montco
plan is to take just an intro. comp. sci. class.
*theoretically* should be real basic, prob. little i don't already know.
one reason for choosing it.
b/c just the words SCHOOL or CLASS raise my stress level considerably.
my attention, concentration, ability to READ, remain pretty sucky.
the universal feeling of utter incompetence still very much with me.

HOWEVER, i'm really trying, best i can, to take the little steps in diff. areas.
baby steps, baby steps...right???


4--s. is moving.
to boston.

upon 1st finding out,
it was a whole big *thing*.

for various reasons, i was very hurt and very angry and very frustrated.
couldn't/had no desire to deal w/ her at ALL.

intensity of initial reaction did of course start to fade after a while.
enter the sadness obviously. bahhh.

i finally wrote out all my various feelings + thoughts and sent it to her.
she didn't much respond to the content.

but we entered a "truce" of sorts, + i went out to dinner w/ her for her bday.

and thats pretty much where things still stand.
she's been in boston the past week to find an apt and such, so haven't talked to her.

will prob go to CM for a day or 2 this weekend.

soooo, that is the latest and greatest (HAH).

and what say YOU lady??
whats up, whats shakin, etc.

me thinks the heat has me a lil loopy?--
a mcD's vanilla cone :D

| <--sometime | whenever--> |