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32 flavors and then some...

// like, omg, NOT-passive!???
| 05/27/2004 - 1:55 p.m. |

email to c., thu, 5-27-04, 10:12am
woah, keep your hat on...

went over to MontCo yesterday and registered.
and bought books: like the real college, over-priced, *heavy* texts kind of books!
there were FOUR for the class.

i had submitted an "application" online Mon. night.
all it says once you send it is like yeah, thanks, you'll hear from us.
yesterday i was browsing through the website again, and i thought:
the term starts tues, they'll be closed friday-monday--
no way this and then actual registration will get processed in time.
which sounded like a valid excuse/pretty good out to me...
soooo tempting...

but instead i got up off my ass, drove the 35 minutes, and got it done in person.
i'm realllly scared, a little bit excited?!?...which makes me more scared.
...i'm actually, well, a tad proud of myself too??
as you could guess, its real hard to allow myself that...
like, whoop-de-doo, whats so pride-worthy about filling out a couple of dumb forms?
well, when is the last time i had a choice and didn't make the 'cowardly' one?...??

right, right?
yes, i am shamelessly seeking validation from everyone and anyone!

deeeeppp breaths,
me me me.

email from c., 12pm, Subject: RE: like, omg, NOT-passive!???

I'm really glad for you. It is indeed a big thing and an important thing that you are doing. Scary is good--you can do this!!!!!!

From your old and loyal cheerleader and friend,

reply to c., 1:55pm
thank you c.

"scary is good" huh?
i may need to meditate on that mantra for a while, hahah.

and i also might need a season full of cheers from my fave old rah-rah!

*hugs* bud ,

| <--sometime | whenever--> |