

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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// too cool for school
| 08/22/2003 - 4:53 a.m. |

email to Diane, Subject: hmmmm
Really didn't anticipate to be writing again so soon...

But kinda having a crazy thought.

Actually been having quite a bit of them anyway lately, and add to that its about 4:45am, and I just finished posting in my online journal a particularly crazy and goddamn long email to C. that took me over 4 hours to write, and so yeah...

Anyways, the thought is about the online journal. Like, if I actually *am* in your thoughts on occasion, and you actually want to know how I'm *really* doing, and I'm obviously not going to know one way or another if you ever read it or what you think if you do...then I honestly can't think of any reason why NOT to at least give you the addy. Whats it matter now, right?


Like I said, for me, its really just a why not. Obviously do with it what you wish.

And I am now finally having my last cig or 2 and going to bed.
I know it was essential you know that...


| <--sometime | whenever--> |