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// vibes
| 03/05/2004 - 3:28 p.m. |

email to C.
had the appt w/pat this morning.
and basically got a real good "vibe" from her.
my standard anxiety aside, felt surprisingly comfortable, relatively speaking.

soooo, start praying for pat i guess!
she's away next week though, so next meeting isn't until mon 3/15.

i know you said you didn't know any of the names i originally mentioned, but pat remembered you actually.
from your renfrew days. ring any bells??
she gave you a liked+respected thumbs up btw

oh, and i signed a consent for her to talk to you.
i swear to goddess i don't say anything in these intake/initial situations that points to you particularly as an-important-person-to-contact and diane, say, as 'irrelevant' somehow.
but no one ever seems even interested in talking to her, the most recent actual-therapist, while they all ask if they can speak to you.
a bit bizarre really.
and, what, is my 'bias' like tattood on my forehead or something?!? i don't get it.
anyways, sorry or something that you keep getting pestered

hmmmmy hugs-

| <--sometime | whenever--> |