

I feel: The current mood of an_unquiet_mind at www.imood.com

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32 flavors and then some...

// pissy...--> blech.
| 06/07/2004 - 7:45 p.m. |

mon, 6-7-04, 2:35pm
(pre-pat notes)

mom is 54 years young today

completely unrelated, i'm in a bit of a pissy mood.
sean was not back w/ my car on time.
i had to take mom's.
and it annoys the hell out of me.
i was doing some real before i left.
mom was doing her version of 'c.f.o.'

i was reacting somewhat out of proportion i suppose.
not that i don't think i have damn good reason to be irked--
it is my car;
he knew what time i needed it;
+ its just plain rude.

but it is one of those circumstances that makes one wonder:
what else i might be angry about?
+ i honestly can't think of anything off the top of my head.

perhaps its more an expression of stress/anxiety re my class starting wed.?
i haven't really been thinking about it--
outside of therapy discussions;
but that obviously doesn't mean those feeling aren't lurking about.


of course my CDs are in my car.
quickly flipped thru mom's + grabbed "jagged little pill."
clearly none of the songs are really relevant to an irresponsible little bro,
but regardless its always a good choice when needing to get some anger out of your system.

thoughts re session in a few minutes:

wonder if pat 'remembers' the end of thurs.,
when i was like, uh, don't have time to answer where s. is staying...
as there is a Q i want to ask 1st.

it always makes me nervous asking questions,
regardless of what it is.

+ figure she'll also want to hear about the reunion.

i realized when i typed up what i had written there,
it interestingly was long as a book chapter!



went thru the expected topics:
~briefly vented about bro/car
~family dinners: last thurs. + last night
~the "question": k + s; more of s.

...and then managed to stumble upon the whole pills, honesty, etc. issue(s).

not fun.

not in the mood to go into it all now.
guess i will do so 'pre-group' tomorrow...

| <--sometime | whenever--> |